My husband and I purchased our first Chow puppy
from a Pet Store in 1978. Although Sheba did not turn out to be the best specimen of a
Chow and went through two hip surgeries for hip dysplasia before the age of one year, I
quickly fell in love with this breed.
I found the Chow to be arrogant, dignified, loyal, proud and snobbish at times. In my
opinion, they are a very misunderstood breed. They tend to go their own way in life, but
are wholeheartedly devoted to the family. The Chow is not a barker, but a great watchdog.
He will sound off at the sight of a stranger. They are normally not friendly with strange
people. It is, however, essential that the Chow be socialized as a young puppy. The Chow
is a very clean breed and easy to housebreak. Their coat does require at least a once a
week brushout. It is essential to keep the coat in good condition.
